My year in one word, and how batman's an asshole. (They're unrelated. Swear.)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
If you're tapped into the blogosphere even a little bit, it's a high chance you've heard about #reverb10. (If you haven't, click here!) The day has finally come: Prompt 1!
Ashley's 2010 in a word: brutal.
This year was rough. I started the year unemployed, and everything seemed to fall apart from there. I started to get down on myself as a potential employee--and when that situation didn't improve, it started to take its toll on the rest of me. I started to doubt myself, who I am, what I am to others...pretty much everything.
And then I got a job. And it seemed ok again - until I realized that my unemployment was a factor to my depression, but not the reason. There were so many things that didn't get better when I was hired; in fact, it made it worse. I started to lose faith in me, in my worth, in the others around me. I started to feel like I'd never amount to anything, as though I was wasting everything. And then it turned to the fact that I felt like a colossal disappointment to anyone who had ever believed in me.
I don't really know the turning point, or if there really was one...but the feeling is fading. There are still a lot of things I'm unhappy about, and it does unfortunately outnumber the things I'm currently ok with--but what matters is that I'm feeling ok about things. That I can still tell there's good in my life, that there are things I am happy with and grateful for and incredibly blessed to have and am hopeful about.
Which is really what I'd like next year to be about. It just needs to have a bit of hope.
And on a sort of related but not actually note...we have a client named Bruce Wayne. Like...really. That's his name. And his voicemail message is hilarious, because it's just so serious. It feels as though he's in such a rush because he's just like "ThisisBruceWayneI'mnothereleaveamessage" and its so quick and businesslike and its like OH SHIT he's out saving the world!
We were pretty psyched about having Batman as a client for awhile...until he emailed us back the answer to our question. And it won't really make sense to anyone who isn't in my industry, plus the fact that it is kind of specific so I really shouldn't share it on a public blog - but let's leave it that he's a prick. His answer was so facetious and clipped and RUDE. Completely uncalled for, and the only conclusion we can come to is that Batman is, unfortunately, an asshole.
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