Filling in the Blanks from Denver!
Friday, March 4, 2011
1. The phrase or punctuation I overuse most is a dash - I never used to use it but ever since I started working at my current company, everyone there uses it and the habit has rubbed off on me. As for the phrase, I say "it/he/she is ridiculous!" far too often. I can't help it that people I know are so crazy!
2. Today I am thankful for safely arriving in Denver, Colorado; wonderful relatives who let me and my brother invade their space for 4 days, and my brother.
3. My best friend is someone I miss. I wish she lived closer to me.
4. A quirky thing about me is that if I pick up a burger or burrito, I won't put it down again - not to pick up my phone, not to dip fries or tear ketchup packets. It makes me sound fat, but its because i don't like the feeling of picking them up so I refuse to do it more than once.
5. This weekend I am exploring all of Denver! Checking out a few universities and going out to Boulder and trying to cram everything into 3 short days.
6. Something that worries me is if I'll ever be happy with a job/career. I'd like to think I eventually will be, but my track record isn't so hot.
7. On my night stand you would find a baby lamp that has animals printed on it and a stuffed animal bear at the base that my family has had since before I was born; tons of pens and pencils; three journals/notebooks; the remote controls for my DVD player, tv, and iHome stereo; my alarm clock, bowling trophy, tarot deck, and ceramic dish I made when I was 10; and all 12 library books I currently have checked out. Yeah, it's incredibly messy and packed full of stuff.
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