After last week, this week can only go up.
Monday, September 13, 2010
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And then Thursday came, and I woke up, and all of a sudden the floor beneath me started to drop. And then rise. The only way I can describe it is that it's the sensation of being in an elevator - you know when it starts and the floor drops down before you get there, and then the floor comes back up a bit too fast? It was that feeling, constantly, no matter where I was or what I was doing. Since that's not ideal for driving, I had to call out of work and my mom took me to Urgent Care. Thankfully it wasn't an inner-ear infection, but I was diagnosed with mild vertigo and sinus problems. Friday the dizziness had gotten worse, so I had to call out of work, again. Having to miss two and a half days of work is not good when you've only been working there for 3 weeks.
And then Saturday happened. The weekend! Good times! Time to relax, kick back, enjoy the fact that the next day you won't have any responsibilities, either. It's been such a shitty week, I'm glad for the weekend!
Except. I was running errands with mom, having a good time just spending time with her after the stress of her dad being sick. We're in her brand new shiny Honda Civic, stopped behind a truck at a stop sign, waiting to turn out of the parking lot we were in. Making a comment about the song on the radio, laughing...then the reverse lights of the truck in front of us turn on. And he's backing up...and not stopping. Still not stopping. Mom honks the horn. Still. Not. Stopp--CRRUUUNCHHH. Metal on metal is a terrible sound. My mom is stunned, I'm pissed off...the entire ordeal was in less than 2 seconds, and it is crazy how 2 seconds can alter a day.
And then the truck puts it in drive, and inches forward, and the next thing I know the truck is turning out of the parking lot.
Luckily, the only thing that flashes through my head are all the news reports and press releases I've ever written about hit and runs, and I know I need to get the plates. All I'm doing is yelling, "Holy shit the fucker is leaving, get the plates, get the plates!" So, luckily, I was able to get the plates.
Both my mom and I are not hurt. We're perfectly fine. Her beautiful shiny new car has a smushed front, the hood crunched accordion-style and the right panel of the car is dented in 3 places. We think the fanbelt was affected because a small drip was happening, too. But she and I are fine aside from the bumped elbow I have when I tensed up as I realized the truck was going to hit us. We were even lucky in that the car behind us at the stop sign saw the whole thing, wrote down the plates, watched the truck actually drive off, then stayed behind with us as our witnesses and called in the accident for us. In terms of an accident, this is the ideal situation.
Doesn't make it suck any less, but it's pretty good in the grand scheme of things.
Everyone told us we're lucky to have gotten the plates on the car. Even the police man told me I was smart for scribbling it down because, and I quote, "then the asshole is goin' DOWN." Our tow truck driver gave a kind-of-scary laugh and said, "the jerk has no chance now!" I want to get the fucker as much as the next person, but I feel as though my vengeance isn't as strong. yeah. Worst week I've had in a really, really long time. I'm almost looking forward to how mundane it's going to be going to work from 8-5.
I said almost!
This week had better go smoother, or I am going to kick some serious ass. I don't know whose ass, but someone's. Plus, I have a ridiculous amount of plans and can't afford to have it not go smoothly. Which inevitably means something will come up, but I surely hope it has nothing to do with accidents or hospitals (please Lord hear my plea...). And thankfully the elevator sensation and my dizziness has gone away, so at least that's an improvement over last week.
How's everyone else been?
What a week! Jeez. Well, they say bad things happen in three's, right? So you should be good for a while. :)
I hope this week is better!
Sorry for your bad week. :( Hope things pick up for you!
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