I can still be thankful the Monday after Thanksgiving, right?

Monday, November 28, 2011

I wanted to be a part of the mass Thanksgiving blog posts of being thankful last week, but alas - I fell sick. Of course. I had crazy amounts of plans and little sleep in the picture, of course I would throw being sick in the mix, too. I spent Wednesday baking, Thursday with the family cooking, and I was one of the crazy shoppers out at midnight for Black Friday--only to crash back at home around 4am, and back out shopping at 11am. Suffice to say, it's been a week and I'm still sick. But recovering!

BUT! That doesn't mean I can't be grateful now, right? Right.  Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone!  Whatever you did, however you celebrated (if you do, or if you're Canadian and already had), I hope it was a fantastic day with love and gratitude.

I'm going to list the things I am currently grateful for.  HOWEVER, I won't be listing friends or family, because that's already a given. I'm incredibly lucky to have a multitude of both who love and support me through the best and worst times in my life, and that recognition will never go away. Especially after this year. So, let's strike those from the list, and carry on!

  1. Michael Bublé making a Christmas album. yesplz.
  2. Kleenex. Because otherwise, ew.
  3. My MacBook Pro. Even though you made my bank account cry, I still love you always.
  4. Kharr, my car. Because she is steadfast and true.
  5. As much as I'd like to list out every book and/or author that touched my heart this past year, we're going to have to settle at a general Books and Writers. Because there is no other avenue that can make you feel as limitless and loved.
  6. The Big Bang Theory, for bringing the lulz every week.
  7. My health. It's not-so-stellar at the moment, but in the big picture, I'm very lucky.
  8. Target. Oh, Target.
  9. My old job. Even though it made me cry and I ultimately left because it made me miserable, I cannot deny how much it taught me or everything else it brought to my life (including but not limited to: money to pay bills, new friends, discovered alcohol, a boost to my resume, and good food).
  10. Snowball, my stuffed animal.
  11. NaNoWriMo. Discipline and terror and fun.
  12. Nail polish. No explanation needed.
  13. My home. Shelter, a place of love and comfort.
  14. Andrew Garfield. Mmmm.
  15. Russia and England, two countries that currently have two of my best friends residing within. While I don't appreciate them holding my two friends so far from me, I appreciate how welcoming they have been and offering them a new version of home.
  16. My Godfamily, who hosted my family and I on our recent trip to Portland. The most interesting and gracious hosts, in a newfound location to love.
  17. My UGGs. Warmest boots ever. I don't even care if you hate 'em, because my toasty toes could not care less.
  18. Nyquil, because I just downed that and am pretty sure I'm typing while cracked out. Please work.
  19. The library. For obvious reasons.
  20. My local Coffee Bean, for their delicious peppermint mocha lattes and nice baristas.
  21. Disneyland. It really is the happiest place on earth.
  22. Thanksgiving. I do believe gratitude and love should be displayed and declared on all days of the year, but I'm grateful for a Holiday that gives us a time to sit down with those we love and enjoy their company.
  23. Nollie, Harlow, Roxy, Bosco and Chewie - all the office dogs I've had the pleasure of sharing my job (and usually the space under my desk) with. I've never had a pet before, but I discovered this year the appeal of it. Soft, cuddly and cute, and an endless love.
  24. Ken Jennings, because he's hilarious and smart and tweeted me and pretty much made my whole year.
  25. Keith Robinson, for tweeting me and making me smile.
  26. Trader Joe's. Because Veggie Stix, garlic naan, and mini pizzas could not be in life without it. (PS. Anyone remember when they used to wear native american headdresses during Thanksgiving time? I know the person who put a stop to that! The power of a letter...)
  27. Ryan Gosling. MMMMmmmHMMMMM
  28. My phone. I forget it all the time and am probably annoyed by it more often then not, but I can't deny the convenience.
  29. My iPad. Because it represents a reward for a time I worked my ass off and actually earned something.
  30. My Sulley Pook-a-Looz stuffed animal, because he sits on the living room couch and makes me smile throughout the day because he's just so danged cute!
And last, but never the least, this blog. Because I cannot imagine a better community to be a part of and participate in and share my life with.

Sulley Pook-A-Looz!


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I'm fairly obsessed with penguins, Peanuts (the comic), and the TV show Friends. Parentheses may or may not be (over)used in this blog, and books will pretty much be the only thing I ever talk about because they are my One True Love.


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