New Year! But not a 2010 post.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Hello! I have returned (and obviously, survived) from my weeklong mass of doing things. Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fantastic end of 2009 (if you can remember it!), and that the first few days of 2010 have been amazing.
I wanted my first post of the new year to be something special, but I unfortunately fell quite sick these past few days and just don't have the energy to do it. I caught a cold while at Disneyland (and somehow managed to chip a tooth, too. These aren't related, but I thought I'd throw it in), and against my better judgment went on the Vegas trip anyway. I knew it would probably make me worse, but I also knew I'd regret not going. I had a good time, but as predicted, I am ridiculously sick now. And heavily medicated.
So I am postponing my "first" post to later when I feel better. In the mean time, I had written out the rest of the Best of 2009 Blog Challenge but never had the time to post it. Even though it is no longer 2009 (!!!), I wanted to finish it still.
Day 23 - Web tool
F'realz, Google Reader. I never used the thing until recently (it coincided nicely when I joined 20sb), and I find it to be the best thing EVER. If only I had discovered its mighty usage when I was on my own laptop - not clicking so much between everyone's blogs might have helped it not go kablooey so quickly.
Day 24 - Learning Experience. What was a lesson you learned this year that changed you?
I have to say, I learned the tough life lesson of injustice. Without going into too many details since this is on the World Wide Interwebz for all to see, I was given (literally, given) a full-time job as a Web Designer the beginning of July. I was laid off with no warning August 11. I don't mean it as malice against the company, I understand it's a small business and it's a tough economy and there was a family crisis that all came together into the crescendo of my release of employment.
But there were several things I found to be quite disappointing in the entire company, management, position, etc. Like I said, I can't go into it since this is the Internet and could be incriminating to bitch about a past job, but trust me when I say there were quite a few unfair things going on. Enough and to the extent of me calling it "injustice."
So yeah, I have to say that I learned a lesson of being let down. The good thing, though, is that I also learned how to come back.
Day 25 - Gift. What's a gift you gave yourself this year that has kept on giving?
September was a gift for me. I moved back into my parent's house September 1, and since then I have given myself a bit of a vacation. It gave me a lot of time to think about my life. Newly graduated, suddenly unemployed, and without a lot of direction, I've been given the rare chance of considering, and thinking, and contemplating who I am and what I'm doing. It was refreshing and much needed, because despite it all, I'm feeling a lot better balanced these days then I did during my 4 years of college.
Day 26 - Insight or aha! moment.
I'm um...going to have to come back to this. I actually believe this will be included in one of my reflective, "wrap-up" posts of 2009. Which will hopefully make it to the blog by the end of 2010.
Day 27 - Social Web Moment.
I have to say that 20sb will be my social web moment of the year. Yes, it was late in the game, but it still means something to me. I've been able to talk to some pretty cool people and find some extremely amazing blogs. It's been fun using my blog for something.
Day 28 - Stationery. When you touch the paper, your heart melts. The ink flows from the pen. What was your stationery find of the year?
I can't deny the beautiful touch of the standard college-ruled notebook paper. It's nothing fancy, it's nothing special, but it always invokes memory and procedure and thought.Day 29 - Laugh.
I've been very lucky to have a lot of laughs this year; which also means I don't remember what my biggest one is. I'm going to cop out the literal way and say that it was at the Demetri Martin comedy show. Not only is he absolutely hilarious, but he's so clever and witty and intelligent. His jokes are thoughtful, in a weird way. So good. (Picture at left is an example of one of his jokes. Click to view a video.) Even though that night wasn't exactly what I expected (and I missed the beginning of DM's show!), I loved the show and hope I can see him live again soon.
Day 30 - Ad. What advertisement made you think this year?
I'm changing the prompt; the adverts that stuck with me are the Sony ones with Justin Timberlake and Peyton Manning (and 2 other guests, pending which product Sony is pushing). Hilarious, adorable. And yes, I am very proud to admit this has every bit to do with my attachment to JTimbs and all things *NSYNC-related. YEAH I SAID IT.
Day 31 - Resolution you wish you'd stuck with.
I didn't make resolutions last year. I knew this year was going to be the biggest alteration of my life, and I couldn't bring myself to put any more expectation and hope in it than already there. That said, I may venture a few resolutions for 2010...which will come in a later post :)
When I started this challenge, I did it really just to give myself more ideas and variety in what I talked about in my blog. But it turned out to be a lot more. On a negative note, I actually think it brought my blog to a bit of a stagnant halt. Whenever you look back, it always turns a bit serious and thoughtful...and while I am like that a good 70% of my day, I don't want my new followers to think all I am is a whining bunch of regrets and past faults. We'll see what happens now that this is over...maybe I'll discover that I am actually that 100% of the time. On the good side, though, it was pretty rewarding...I didn't realize everything I'd done this year. And these things are only the ones that immediately came to mind, nevermind all I haven't mentioned! Regardless, thanks for coming with me on this 2009 reflection.
Until my health returns,
happy new year!
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