Terrible weather and TV tapings. Entirely unrelated to each other.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hello World.  It's been awhile since I've actually written a post about my current life (aside from sports).  Not that there's a ton going on, but...still.

In good news, I'm 94% (approximate) back to my regular health!  My cough likes to reappear now and again, but everything else is fine.  I was sick for SO LONG, it was incredibly frustrating.  But it seems as though the worst has past.  Unfortunately, I've managed to take down everyone around me.  Mainly my brother, who in turn has possibly spread it to his girlfriend.  Which of course I feel bad about, but they did make me go out with them...

(photo credit to signonsandiego.com, specifically KC Alfred)
If you have any sort of friends or ties to the West Coast, by now I am sure you've heard of the torrential rainfall we've been having this week.  People like to make fun of us and how we freak out when that wet stuff starts falling from the sky--and I admit that most of the time, we are overreacting.  But not this time.  What people fail to see is that because we are the Sunny Southern California 360 days of the year, we are not built to withstand rain.  A drizzle now and then, perhaps one or two hard showers a year, we can deal with it (though we will not do so quietly).  But this, my friends, is not that.  It is non-stop rain, terrible winds, massive thunder and lightning!  I mean, yesterday and today we had tornado warnings.  Here!  In Southern California!  We don't get those.  We get earthquakes, we get droughts, we get wild fires because of said droughts.  But tornadoes?!  Utter ridiculousness.  There are floods everywhere, cars stuck and people getting injured from car accidents and falling trees and unstable roads and downed power lines.  I'm one of the lucky ones to not have to deal with a power outage yet (*knock on wood*).  Tomorrow (Thursday) is supposed to be one of the worst days (hail!), so...be careful out there, kids!  This may put a dent in my library trip...

Is it terrible I'm thinking about my birthday?  I know it's not for two more months, but this is the first year I may actually be able to do anything.  Since Middle School, my birthday has always fallen during some sort of "event" at school: finals week, dead week, spring break; which resulted in me never being able to do anything.  This year, seeing as how myself and most of my friends are no longer in school, we are all (relatively) free.  The issue was the fact I live in San Diego now and have friends spread out between here and LA.  SO...I'm thinking the solution is renting a hotel room in Orange County (I'm considering Newport Beach?) for a couple days and celebrating up there!  I'm quite fortunate in that my birthday does fall on a Friday, so I'm thinking the weekend away with all my friends will do nicely.

Of course, I'd ideally be renting this apartment from a lovely blogger I follow and spending it on holiday in New York City with a few friends, but...we can all dream, can't we?

I am also determined to go to a taping of The Big Bang Theory, currently one of my favourite shows on TV.  The tickets are quite hard to come by, so if anyone can help me out, I'd be absolutely delighted!  And could pay you back in the form of baked goods.  Or sexual favors, but I'm positive the baked goods would be better.

So next week, if all goes to plan, I will be going to a taping of America's Funniest Home Videos.  And to answer your question, yes, that show still exists.  It's one of my dad's absolute favourite shows -- he's watching a DVRed episode as I type this -- and we were able to get tickets to a taping.  It should be interesting at the very least.  I've gone to several TV tapings before and they've always turned out to be adventures.  It'll be good to be back in LA, too.

Which leads me to, I'll be in LA next week!  For longer than just the night, anyway.  I know I am definitely going to be in Pasadena next Saturday because I have to meet with an old adviser to get some paperwork I need, but I'm thinking of staying with one of my best friends/ex-roommates and making a mini vacation out of it.  I miss her quite a bit, since I haven't seen her since we moved out of our apartment last June.  And when we used to see each other practically daily for two years, it's a bit of a tough adjustment without her in my life.  I hope to be able to see an actor friend that lives in Downtown LA as well, because I miss her quite a bit (she is also an old roommate).  It should be a jolly ol' time!

As it is now 2:37am and I'd like to sleep before 4am (something that has not happened this entire new year), I should probably start trying to now.  I've popped in Pride & Prejudice, because the music in this movie is absolutely beautiful.  Tomorrow I do believe I'm going to watch Up in the Air, because I've heard such good things and I managed to get my hands on a Screener copy.  With the hope that San Diego doesn't disappear under water...good night.


Ashley @ Germato.com January 21, 2010 at 1:07 PM  

HIGHLY recommended to go see a taping. It was actually pretty easy for me to get tickets when I went a couple of months ago. I watched for when they posted them and found out when they went online. Got them immediately.

Free pizza and candy. Plus I got a signed picture from the cast. Loved every minute of it!

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I'm fairly obsessed with penguins, Peanuts (the comic), and the TV show Friends. Parentheses may or may not be (over)used in this blog, and books will pretty much be the only thing I ever talk about because they are my One True Love.


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