Miracles, the debate of oatmeal raisin cookies versus health insurance, and oh yeah, I'm wearing a dress!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

gross. i hate oatmeal raisin cookies.

You don't understand.  This is gigantic.  This is phenomenal.  This is unheard of.  For the past month and a half, I'm not sure I've managed to keep it under 80.  I get so close, I read and click and comment (sometimes, but not nearly as much as I should) and laugh and twice cried and even done the dreaded "Mark As Read" a few times--but inevitably, something happens where I have to turn in for the night before I can finish and when I wake up it is once again back to its astronomical levels (may be an exaggeration).

The thing is...I hoard my posts.  I have a select few favorite bloggers who I know will write a post I enjoy every time--so I get greedy and reserve all their posts to a later date so I know that after a few crap posts and sometimes a few ok ones, I will have amazing ones to get to.

The problem with this method is that combined with my inefficiency of reading any blogs, I haven't read a fair few posts from my favorite bloggers.  And I fear that they think I don't enjoy their blogs as much as I do since no comments come.  Most likely they hardly even notice, but it still woes me to think that perhaps some person is thinking, "Oh no, that Charlie Browniest girl used to comment so much...I wonder if she still reads?"   Rest assured, favoritest bloggers, I do!  I do!

I'm not saying that if you have received a comment lately, you're not one of my favourite bloggers.  Sometimes I'll randomly go to a favorites blog and comment, sometimes I see a link through Twitter and head on over, sometimes I'll see your comment at the 20sb forum and mosey on to your blog, sometimes I'll suddenly want to go see that person's blog so I git'on over then thurr.  It's really just all a big mess.  However, in the past three days I was able to catch up on a lot of people's posts--take Nic for example, who is one of my favorites.  I had 11 unread posts from him.  Eleven!  But I was able to play catch up, and he had a whopping 4 comments in one night.  As a warning to some people, that may happen to you sometime soon.  The 16 left in my reader are all specifically saved for last, so...it'll come.  Eventually. 

The only other order of business for the night is this: finding health insurance is pretty damn high on the "suckage" list.  In fact, it may overtake getting three cavities filled in one dentist visit and driving 74 miles to return something and you realize you forgot your receipt.  I'm not sure it edges out Dane Cook or biting into a cookie thinking it is warm chocolate chip only to discover it is oatmeal with extra raisins--but it sure gives them a run for the money.  Since my health insurance effectively ends tomorrow (the 19th), my father isn't allowing me out of the house until I find some.  Seeing as how I have no job and cannot pay for this insurance, I'm not sure how long my prison sentence will end up being.

But seriously, I feel like there needs to be a course on insurance terms for the laymen.  It would probably be the worst class in the world, and realistically I probably wouldn't have taken it in the first place.  But still!  Deductibles?  Copays?  40% of $5530 only after yearly cost has been met except on three services? HSAs and PPOs and HMOs and HIA and Annual OOP Max...it's like the dreaded text talk, only worse!  I mean, if someone were to say to me "omg wtf u kno?! imho, he sux 2 but thx 4 telln. ttyl"* I WOULD GET THAT.  I mean, I will want to shoot you too, but at least I would understand. 

And then I have to consider my medical history and my life and figure out the sacrifices I want to make.  Do I think I'm going to get some sort of STD in the next year?  If so, do I think that would be more important than if a kidney stone suddenly popped up again?  Do I think a bone is going to randomly pop out of my shoulder or will I get punched in the nose anytime soon?  Is there any possibility I am going to ingest that toxic poison?  Will I get testicular cancer?  I mean, I know I'm not a man, but with evolution these days and the weird processed foods entering my body, can one ever really be sure (and if by some weird happenstance this occurs, does your insurance cover this?)?!

It's all just so unclear.

But bright side (no pun intended), the weather has been absolutely fabulous the past two days!  Actually, it was downright hot.  90 degrees on Tuesday, 84 degrees on Wednesday...it was glorious.  Aside from the sweating and the being completely unprepared so I was wearing UGG boots for half of Tuesday.  But today I actually broke out a fun little dress to wear!  The temperatures are unfortunately supposed to drop again (to 64 degrees...ahh, I love you Southern California), but at least I can positively say that Spring is getting ready to come on in.  And she is most welcome.

*this pained me to write.  PAINED.


Steph March 18, 2010 at 9:07 AM  

I notice :P

Just kidding. I've been so terrible at keeping up as well. Life happens...

Anyway, I hope Pops eventually lets you out! I'm so jealous of your weather. We're topping out at about 75- maybe.

Another David March 18, 2010 at 6:45 PM  

I know how you feel on both accounts. I haven't been able to read anything lately, and I'm spending all of tonight and probably a good chunk of tomorrow tearing through it all.

And it took me forever to pick an insurance plan. In the end, I wound up with the one my parents had me on because I thought "Well, that one was pretty good, I guess. And I can afford it, so whatev"

Stephany March 20, 2010 at 3:07 PM  

I have a folder in my Google Readers marked "Must Reads" which I never mark all as read in. Everyone else, if it gets too bad and I know I'm never going to read them before it gets out of hand gets marked as read every night. It's painful but that's life for now. I'm just too busy! And right now, I should be working on homework but I'm not and I need to get back ASAP.

Oh, and I really hope you find an insurance plan soon! It's tough out there without one. And even tougher when you're given a jail sentence before you can find one! Ouch!

Ashley @ Ashley Loves Books March 22, 2010 at 2:06 AM  

@Steph - I knowwww I'm so terrible! But I think I have finally found a system that works for me to read/comment, so here's to hoping! And I think I jinxed it, because weather is back down to the mid-60s :( But at least fun glimpses of spring are here!

@David and @Stephany - If only bloggers could have one mandatory day of just reading and commenting. It's such a problem that so many people are so interesting haha. And I wish I could stick with my parents' insurance company, but it's military mandated so I'm no longer allowed :( But I think I may have found something, so there is light at the end of this long, dark, horrible tunnel!

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I'm fairly obsessed with penguins, Peanuts (the comic), and the TV show Friends. Parentheses may or may not be (over)used in this blog, and books will pretty much be the only thing I ever talk about because they are my One True Love.


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